Friday, April 16, 2010

The Team

Team Haiti is a group of 14 individuals who have committed themselves to going to Haiti and helping rebuild.  Ten of the members are from the Ransomville Free Methodist Church (Harvey Ausman, Carol Bailey, Kevin Dabill, Laura Dabil, Ed McDonald, Paul Saya, Mary LaPoint, John Duxbury, Pastor Bill Lowery, LouAnn Volpe-White), 3 members are from Pearce Memorial Free Methodist Church (Jamie Chalmers, Megan Hoose, and Craig Lockwood), North Chili, NY., and 1 is from Baltimore MD (Dorothy Neal).

TeamHaiti's team leader is Carol Bailey.  Carol went with a group from RFMC to Gulfport, Mississippi last year and on her return from this trip indicated a desire to lead a future missions trip.  At the close of 2009 she was in dialog with Chris Wilkins, a missionary supported by RFMC, about leading a trip to Cambodia.  In January, following the earthquake, it became apparent that God was calling us to Haiti.

On Sunday, April 11th, a Spaghetti Dinner and Basket auction was held to raise funds for this trip.  That night $2,500 was raised and placed the team about 1/3 of the way towards their goal!  Following the dinner, a TeamHaiti photo was taken, that included the team members going to Haiti as well as support team members.

We will continue to post here all the latest TeamHaiti info . . .

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