Thursday, July 1, 2010

Haiti Day 4

A hot workday, with much progress on the school and laughter and lovin on kiddos.  Today it was PB's turn to succumb to heat, but he is recovering from his symptoms--Yes, he did call Linda--and he's been good about drinking his Gatorade and laying low this afternoon and evening.

For Mary, this is smoke free day #4--WOO HOO!  Megan learned to weld. (Mary did that yesterday and did fabulous)  Chris got oogled by several giggly tweens who asked how old he was and if he were married.
Jamie got some great videos of PB's driving--kudos to PB for his excellent maneuvering though in discomfort and fatigue.  Craig did not drop anything on anyone's foot.  Ed was a rooftop celebrity, teaching the kids on a neighboring rooftop goofy songs and refined English phrases such as "Foget about it" and "Bada bing Bada boom."  He also taught them YMCA and they joined right in with our humming the Macarena--there's video of that too--make sure you see it when it is made available.  Arguably though, the cutest exchange went thus: (Ed) Hey you! (kids) Hey YOU! (Ed) My name's Ed! (Kids) My name's Ed!  Dinecia and Megan noticed a tap-tap with the following phrase inscribed in bright paint across it: La Belle POULPITA, which, literally means "The beautiful chicken later"....... Interpretations welcome.

As we interact more and more with the Haitian people, hearing their stories and sensing their deep hurts, our emotions and perspectives undulate like roller coasters. (Undulate is a neat word--look it up.  :)  We take turns having those hurts become real to us and sink in.  But we must share this image of hope, witnessed from the back of our truck as we bounced along in the insane rush hour highway traffic.  On a green mountainside in the distance there was a bald patch, crudely but distinctly formed, apparently naturally, in the shape of a giant cross. The symbol of Christ's love for his people etched into their very earth for all to see.  It was a wonderful reminder for us that He is here, even in distress, sadness, brokenness, and memories of trauma.  Jesus Christ is here and he ain't leavin.

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills.  Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth." Psalm 121:1


  1. Good Morning,
    So excited to wake up each morning and read about the day before on the blogspot!! Wish we could send some of the 50 degree weather your way from home.....Each new day the Lord puts upon our hearts new things to pray about for Team Haiti..He is so good!!! He has protected you already for 4 full days!!....May all of you rest in His presence and be strengthened by His love. Blessings

  2. Yay Mary!!! I am so proud of you....ALL things are possible with God!! Thank you Carol for being God's have done an amazing job serving Him!! PB et al, I am praying for the supernatural strength of God (which you already have in your spirit) to be manifest each day...that you will sail thru the rest of this trip w/ NO MORE physical down time (except to sleep of course), that His power and might sustain you...that you will be changed forever...I can't WAIT to hear about your experiences!!! GOD IS GOOD!! ALL THE TIME.... :)
